
Here's another great edition of the FRESH! Wellness Newsletter. This week, we have a tasty Thai Turkey Meatballs recipe for you to try. Plus, be sure to read our article on You Are What You Eat: You Can’t Out Exercise a Bad Diet . Dive in, enjoy, and please let us know what you think about the information.

Success comes down to a few simple skills, practice consistently each day. Most of them take from a few seconds to a few minutes to complete. Do you think this is something you can handle? I KNOW you can!

To get the tips, tricks and tools necessary to succeed over the holidays, join our FREE Project Zero program. It started a few days ago, but you can jump in at any time.

Visit www.freshfitness.ca/projectzero to get started today.

Happy Holidays,

Tim Borys 


Wellness Group

You Are What You Eat: You Can’t Out Exercise a Bad Diet

Many people believe that because they exercise, they’re in the black as far as their calorie input/output.

But in reality, this sort of thinking is a sure road to failure. 

See Article Below

Thai Turkey Meatballs

Loaded with veggies and infused with the perfect flavor combination of ginger, chili, garlic, and more!

Check out the details below


Project Zero

Visit: www.freshfitness.ca/projectzero

You Are What You Eat: You Can’t Out Exercise a Bad Diet

Ever heard someone give themselves permission to indulge their sweet tooth just because they just had a great workout? It’s a common excuse. Many people believe that because they exercise, they’re in the black as far as their calorie input/output. But in reality, this sort of thinking is a sure road to failure. Most people with a lean body and a 6 pack didn’t get that way by rationalizing their way to the desert buffet.

Many people have no idea how many calories they take in on an average day, often severely underestimating when asked to take a guess at it. But they also overestimate the number of calories they burn. The truth is, 30 minutes of the best boot camp in town will not cancel out that burger and fries!

Do the math

Let’s look at the hard numbers. An average, moderately intensive workout will burn 300-400 calories in about an hour. That’s an hour of hard work with plenty of sweat and hard breathing.

Now say on the way home from the gym, you decide to grab a couple of donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts. After all, you’ve earned it! In the 3 minutes it will take you to put away two chocolate frosted cake donuts, you’ve consumed 720 calories. All your hard work is wasted, plus you’ve provided your body with several hundred extra calories to store as fat!

Or maybe you just want to have some pizza and soda with friends. You consider the 600 calories you burned running on the treadmill for an hour today (at 10 miles per hour—that’s a really fast run for a really long time!), so you eat 4 pieces of pizza and a coke. No problem, right? Wrong. You just downed 900-1,000 calories in about 10 minutes!Is it really worth it?

Face the facts

The bottom line is you simply can’t out train a bad diet. If you try to spar a bad diet with exercise, the exercise will lose every single time. The only way to lose weight and get that lean, sexy, healthy body that looks great in anything (or nothing) is to eat a healthy diet AND exercise.

Your weight loss is driven by diet and maintained by exercise. The only way to get ahead in the calorie game is to eat fewer calories than you burn. Only then will you begin to see the fat melt away. Exercise builds muscle and can rev up your metabolism, but you won’t lose weight if you continually eat more than you can metabolize.

This is not to say that exercise is not important. It is! In fact, according to Barry Braun, associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst,

“When you look at the results in the National Weight Control Registry, you see over and over that exercise is one constant among people who’ve maintained their weight loss.” 1

Want to keep the pounds off? Exercise! Exercise is crucial. And you must combine it with a balanced diet if you want to shed pounds.

Start smart

Have you been trying to out exercise your diet? Don’t be discouraged; many of us have been guilty of this. It’s time to rethink your weight loss strategy. Try the following tips to start fresh and recreate your body!

  • Plan, plan, plan. The only way you are going to get control of your diet is to plan ahead. Do not let yourself get hungry with nothing healthy prepared to eat; your will power will plummet and you will reach for a snack that will set you back. Keep food ready in your refrigerator that you can grab and heat quickly. And don’t leave the house without cool water, nuts, fruit, whole grain crackers and cheese. Make things really easy by using a service like Lean Eats.

  • Lift weights. When you start losing weight, you must protect your muscle. If you begin to lose pounds without adding in weight lifting, you will likely lose up to 25% of your muscle mass. Also, after an intense weight lifting workout targeting at least 3 big muscles, your metabolism increases for up to 39 hours after you are finished. And repairing that muscle tissue after lifting requires energy! Energy=calories burned.

  • Get some accountability. We’ll strike this note again and again: you need a partner. Remember, the single biggest determiner of your fitness success is whether or not you have an accountability partner. Find someone to trade food journals with and report on how you are doing with your will power.

You need both exercise and a healthy diet to be lean, strong and healthy. Don’t neglect either one!

Featured Quote

Thai Turkey Meatballs

Serves 4


For the Meatballs

  • 1 lb. organic ground turkey or chicken
  • ½ cup shredded carrots
  • ¼ cup scallions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 TBSP fresh grated ginger
  • 2 TBSP coconut aminos
  • 1-½ ts.p chili paste
  • Dash of fine sea salt
  • Dash of red pepper flakes (optional)

For the Sauce

  • ¼ cup coconut aminos
  • 2 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 TBSP fish sauce
  • 1 clove crushed garlic
  • 2 tsp. fresh grated ginger
  • 1 tsp. chili paste


Preheat oven to 375°

In a bowl combine all meatball ingredients. Mix well and form into balls. Place balls on lined baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes.

While baking, combine all sauce ingredients in a small pot over medium heat. Once boiling, stir and reduce heat to a simmer.

When meatballs are done, pour sauce over or use sauce to dip.

Original Recipe from Lexi's Clean Kitchen

Tip of the Week: Healthy Holiday Eating

What you can do to avoid getting derailed when the temptation of holiday sugar and spice is around every corner.

Try the following tips:

#1 Do the hosting. Bring the holiday festivities to your house. There, you can plan the menu and know every pinch of every ingredient in every dish.

#2 Fill and Chill. Eat a good-sized snack consisting of healthy foods, such as carrot sticks and peanut butter crackers. These will help you feel full faster and prevent you from overeating at the party. Once you’re at the party, begin your meal by downing a glass of water. Then instead of diving face first into your plate, sit back and relax for a few minutes.

#3 Prepare Mentally. Well before the holidays descend, you should come up with a game plan. Being mentally prepared for the holiday temptations sure to come your way will give you the strength necessary to hang tight to your healthy lifestyle, regardless of what obstacles may come your way.

Swallow This Tip

While you may not care for cakes and pies, you may be prone to drink down extra calories in the name of good cheer. drink limited amounts of alcohol, punch, and calorie-laden eggnog. Instead, opt for water (whether plain or flavored), hot apple cider, hot tea, and diet soda.

FRESH! Wellness Group

18th Floor 734-7th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3P8 Canada (403) 217-2730